July 12, 1931 - July 5, 1995

Vyacheslav Kubarev (1931-1995) is a prominent Soviet and Belarusian artist and production designer. A graduate of the Gorky Art School (1957) and of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) (1963), he studied under renowned masters of painting Fyodor Bogorodsky, Mikhail Bogdanov, Sergey Kamanin, and Yuri Pimenov.

In 1964, Kubarev became a member of the Painting section of the Belarusian Union of Artists. Participated in many republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. The works of the artist are held in the National Art Museum, the Museum of Modern Art and other museum collections of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in galleries and private collections in Belarus, Russia, USA, Germany, Israel, Italy, France, Netherlands, and other countries.

Kubarev’s paintings combine excellent coloristic decisions and exceptional brushwork with a unique compositional approach directly influenced by his work on movie frame compositions.

Since 1963, Kubarev worked at the Belarusfilm studio in Minsk, Belarus. He was a production designer of more than 30 feature and TV films, many of which became the classics of the national cinema.

Honored Artist of the BSSR (1981).